Caregivers and Health Promotion Officers Council

The CHPC Application Process

Discover how to apply to become a registered CHPC Caregiver

Raising The Standard In Caregiving

In a country where medical professionals are stretched thin, leaving a glaring void in personalized care, the CHPC emerges as a beacon of hope. Picture a scenario where patients yearn for attention, but nurses are overwhelmed and doctors are swamped with tasks beyond their capacity. The result? Basic care becomes a luxury, people in need face abuse and neglect while careworkers are left exposed to risk and exploitation.

In a world where the demand for personalized care is skyrocketing, and resources are scarce, the CHPC stands at the forefront of transformation. No longer shall caregiving be relegated to mere volunteerism, nor shall unqualified individuals jeopardize the well-being of our elderly. The CHPC is here to revolutionize the landscape, to professionalize caregiving into the esteemed profession it deserves to be.

Imagine a world where every caregiver is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and recognition they need to provide dignified care. No more exploitation, no more uncertainty. With the CHPC, caregivers and health promotion officers find sanctuary, united in a collaborative journey towards excellence.

As the pioneers of change, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of healthcare. Let your application to the CHPC be the first step towards a brighter, safer, and more professionalized era of caregiving. Together, we can ensure that every individual receives the quality care they deserve. Apply now and be part of the solution!

The Membership Application Process

The CHPC application process is a comprehensive journey towards becoming a registered and accredited caregiver.

Consisting of five essential phases, this process ensures that all candidates meet the stringent standards required to uphold the professionalism and integrity of caregiving. From uploading registration information to undergoing online basic assessments, criminal background checks, polygraph examinations, and qualification verifications, each phase is crucial for evaluating candidates' suitability.

It's important to note that successful completion of all five phases is mandatory to achieve registration. However, in the event of a failure, where possible, applicants will be provided with guidance and support to address any shortcomings and strive for success in subsequent attempts.

Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards elevating the standards of caregiving excellence.

Phase 1 - Upload Your Basic Information

All caregivers with a caregiving qualification must successfully upload their basic information and any other required fields to our online platform.

Phase 2 - Online Basic Assessment

Complete a free, online numeracy and literacy test before proceeding to step 3.

Phase 3 - Criminal Background Verification Check

Visit any one of the 460 PostNet or Jetline Stores throughout South Africa and complete a Criminal Check. PostNet or Jetline will charge you a fee of R280. After the check is completed, the results will be emailed to you. The email results must then be uploaded to the CHPC application platform or emailed to Please note that any individual with a serious criminal record will not be considered for membership.

Phase 4 - Polygraph

All caregivers must successfully undergo a polygraph examination administered by the CHPC as part of the registration process to be considered for membership.

Phase 5 - Qualification Verification

All caregivers with a caregiving qualification must successfully complete a "qualification verification" as part of the CHPC registration process to be considered for membership.

The Benefits Of Applying Today

Uphold Standards

Uphold and maintain professional care and ethical standards in the caregiving profession

Professional Development

Ongoing training, developmental workshops and seminars for continuous professional development.

Create Opportunity

To advance opportunities for placement of caregivers in hospitals and for a minimum wage.

Professional Recognition

Ongoing lobbying for professional recognition of caregivers and health promotion officers.

Register Online And Create Your CHPC Profile

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